Hair Care (Infographic)
The Reasons Behind Dandruff (Infographic)
Dandruff is unfortunately familiar to most of us, occurring at times of stress, change in seasons, diet or hormones. Dandruff is basically white flakes of dead skin cells from your scalp that appea...

Hair Care (Infographic)
Natural Ingredients to Keep Your Hair Healthy (Infographic)
Nature has many ingredients that are good for our hair and scalp. From moisturizing your hair, to promoting growth, to treating split ends and dandruff, you can do it all naturally, without the use...

Hair Care (Infographic)
Causes of Hair Loss in Women
Hair loss is something that concerns us all, mostly once we are past our 20s. There are two types of hair fall, one which is genetic and cannot be helped, and the other which is linked to various e...

Hair Care (Infographic)
Signs and Symptoms of Hair Loss
On average, we lose about 100 strands of hair on a daily basis. It is only if these strands are not replaced by new hair growth that concerns about hair fall start kicking in. The most common signs...

Hair Care (Infographic)
Reasons for Hair Loss
The main causes of hair loss in men and women can be categorized in two ways: genetic or reactive. Genetic causes of hair loss result in an overall thinning of hair and cannot be fixed. Reactive ha...