Your share of bridal buffet served! A simple routine for brides to be

Your share of bridal buffet served! A simple routine for brides to be

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While the whole look and feel of weddings have changed during the pandemic-induced lockdown, what hasn’t changed is the bride’s demand of looking her absolute best on her big day. And why not? Pandemic or not, the bridal beauty cannot be compromised, because let’s face it, you get married only once (sometimes, more than that, but we won’t get into the technicalities). Bridal beauty isn’t just about dressing up and getting makeup done on the D-day, but it is a form of self-care that every bride should incorporate into her routine during the run-up to the wedding day.

Bridal looks are all about looking your best- it’s a widely adopted belief that the bride needs to show up as her most radiant and elegant self. As much we hate stereotypes, we think that brides deserve to look breathtakingly beautiful when they walk down the aisle. Whether it’s about staying dedicated to a proper skincare routine, masking once a week, doing a virtual makeup trial, or something as simple as sleeping and waking up on time, building a beauty regime before the wedding is crucial if you want to look ethereal on the big day. In this blog, we are going to tap into some beauty hacks, ideas, routines, products, and much more for brides to be.

Managing your Expectations 

Before we start, let’s talk about expectation settings. As a bride, you might take a lot of pressure to look a certain way on the wedding day. Yes, it is a valid demand to achieve a certain look; but let’s be a little realistic during this process. Know that your skin has pores, understand the problem areas, see what can be worked on/ improved, and what needs to be accepted. Also, being a bride-to-be doesn’t give you the license to binge-purchase every product in sight. Be mindful of what you are putting on your skin and hair. Have a simple routine, but be consistent with it. Make sure to have attainable goals and not fall for exorbitant bridal standards set by movies and celebrities; you will make a unique bride, understand that, and celebrate it.

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Keep Track Of Timelines 

It is very important to keep track of the timeline you are working with, in the run-up to the wedding. Have a pre-wedding skincare plan in place at least 6 months in advance so that the procedures and treatment have a considerable effect on your appearance. That’s how we are going to approach our prescribed bridal routine.

6 months To Go 

  • If you happen to be one of those adventurous brides and want to take the injectables route to smoothen out your skin or enhance your features, you should do it at least 6 months in advance. A botox or filler injection lasts at least 9 months, so try to get this procedure done as early as possible so that there is room for tweaks and changes if you are not happy with the procedure.
  • Start a new retinol as soon as you can, because in most cases, the skin goes through a purging state once you start using Vitamin A derivatives on your skin. Go to a dermatologist and ask them to prescribe a retinol based-skincare product to you, or do your research and buy one off the counter. There are so many retinol-based products currently available in the market see what fits your need and invest in one. Retinol is a miracle worker when dealing with acne, hyperpigmentation, ageing, etc. It helps in the cell renewal process and frequently resurfaces the skin, giving you a smooth, glowing visage. Remember that retinol-based skincare regimes are a marathon, not a sprint, so start early.

Three months To Go 

  • If you have always wanted to flaunt a perfect smile in your wedding pictures, then you must visit a dentist at least 3 months before the big day. Teeth bleaching, scaling, etc., can be taken care of during this period, so start looking for a good dentist.
  • Chemical peels and other such treatments can be very abrasive on the skin. Taking care of pigmentation, acne scars should be done at least 3 months prior. Procedures like microdermabrasion, micro-needling, radiofrequency lasers, etc., improve the skin’s texture, but they need time to show results.
  • Incorporate AHAs and BHAs in your skincare regime to eliminate hyperpigmentation, dullness, acne, and other textural issues. They come in a variety of formulas so that you can choose from toners, essences, serums, exfoliating pads, etc. Start with low to medium strength products and then move up the ladder if need be.

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  • Hit the gym! Yes, going to the gym at least 3 months before the wedding will not only give you that hourglass body you always wanted but improve the look of your skin as well. If your city has imposed a lockdown, look for online exercise routines and stick to them. Not only will it beautify your body, but it will improve your glow as well.

1 month To Go

Go for body peels to reduce cellulite, stretch marks, and bumpy skin. This will help you feel confident and look comfortable in whatever you choose to wear on your wedding day. It would help if you stuck to a post-treatment routine as well for the skin to look smooth and silky.

Start incorporating a lot of greens in your diet at least a month before your wedding. No matter how much you despise them, the green vegetables will ensure that you get your daily dosage of sufficient vitamins and minerals, plus it will keep your weight in check.

Yes, you might have scheduled a manicure and a pedicure a few days before the wedding but start caring for your hands and feet in advance. Dipping your feet in warm water after a long day will not only comfort your legs but will help you unwind and relax. So do that, and while you are at it, rub a pumice stone on your heels and get rid of the dead skin cells.

Also Read : How to Remove Dead Skin- 10 Simple Remedies to Try Out for

One week To Go 

The pressure must be mounting by now, but if you have incorporated the aforementioned tips, then you’d start noticing the changes by now. Go for a waxing session at least 5 days prior so that any redness or inflammation can be taken care of.

Go for your facial, and get it done at least 5 days in advance so that there is time to fix a mishap; if there is one, opt for a mild, gentle facial that won’t irritate your skin.

Finally, get your hair color or root touch-up done at least a week before so that the colour looks fresh but not artificial.

So those were some tips that will help you look absolutely radiating on your wedding day. While beauty procedures are helpful, nothing can take away stress-induced problems. So be happy, stop stressing, everything will be absolutely fine, and you will get married to the man of your dreams. Just be consistent, don’t try to copy or imitate celebrity bridal looks, don’t follow trends and you will appreciate your bridal beauty even 30 years from now when you browse through your wedding album!





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