Changing hair colors is so much fun- be it for a simple experiment or for changing your entire look! But haven’t you ever wondered which hair color suits you the best? Apart from choosing the best hair color that suits your skin tone the most, it is important to keep in mind the style you wish to go for, as well.
The moment to pick a hair color style comes right after picking a hair color shade, which can fall into the wide-ranging categories of temporary hair colors and permanent hair colors offered in the market.
Also Read : How To Choose Right Hair Color For Your skin tone
Colors that suit long hair musn't necessarily suit short hair as well. Different colors suit different hair types. Therefore, in this blog, we will find out about the different hair colors that suit long hair, medium hair, and short hair.
7 Hair Colors That Suit Long Hair
Having long hair is never out of style. As much care and maintenance, they require, whether you style them straight, curly, or wavy, they always take your glamour to a different level. Discussed below are 7 hair colors that suit long hair:
1. A Classy Brown Hair Color
Brown is probably the only classic color that looks elegant no matter what the person’s skin tone may be, all the while being the easiest to maintain! Different shades of brown such as chestnut, cinnamon brown, light brown hair color, cappuccino hair color, Chocolate brown hair color and dark brown hair color take so little effort and yet give such splendid results! Be it on straight hair or curls, no other color can maintain the same vibe as easily.
2. A Beautiful Burgundy Hair Color
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No matter what shade of burgundy you get on your beautiful long locks, you’ll look adorable.
3. Pastel Hair Color
The delicacy that pastel colors hold is beyond words. These pretty pastel colors are as confident as they are beautiful!
4. Jet Black Hair Color
No matter what one says, the sophisticated look black color holds is worth every stare!
5. Bright Hair Colors
If you are cool skin toned and want to try something new to give a more vivacious vibe, bright and daring colors like a bold red hair color, funky purple hair color, or a badass blue hair color, should be your go-to! Or you can go for a combination of these colors (as shown in the image).
6. Baby Blonde Hair Color
If you are cool-toned and have long hair, this subtle yet stylish color will no doubt make you stand out beautifully!
7. Twin Hair Color Tones
Still don’t know which color to choose? Go for two tones at once! Brown hair color with blonde highlights will give you that bold and beautiful look. Whereas a balayage in an ombre hair color will give you a pleasantly adorable look.
7 Hair colors That Suit Medium Hair
Medium-length hair or mid-length hair is never out of style. From charming brown-blonde highlighted hair to buttery blonde curlsㅡmid-length hair befit everything! Here, we have discussed 7 hair colors that suit mid-length hair.
1. Brown-Auburn Hair Color
If you wish to keep it classic with your brown hair, these mid-length coffee-colored curls with chunky auburn highlights will reach your expectations!
2. Peach Pink Hair Color

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This beautiful blend of peach, pink, and golden shades inarguably give the vibe of a confidently chic woman!
3. Black Hair with Copper Highlights
Do you want to give a twist to your natural hair color? Then go for copper highlights! The charm of dark copper highlights on black mid-length hair is undeniable.
4. Shadow Roots and Highlights
This hair coloring technique comprises dark-colored shadow roots with light-colored highlights, such as ombre. If your schedule doesn't allow you to visit the salon often, you should opt for this as this requires minimal maintenance!
5. Face-Framing Streaks
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A trendy combination, you can pair up your dark hair with light streaks fanning your face to look inefficiently elegant!
6. Blue hair color highlights on Natural Roots
Source: (12) Pinterest
If you have dark hair and want to go for a bold look, choose this! These blue highlights or lowlights with natural roots are a stunning combination to try something groovy!
Also Read : Does Temporary Hair Color Work On Dark Hair?
7. Buttery Blonde Curls
Source: (12) Pinterest
A buttery shade of blonde on your mid-length curly hair- a super-attractive combination for a super bold woman!
7 Hair Colors That Suit Short Hair
Short hair is the hair that is closely cropped to reach just above your shoulder. Pixie cuts, Bob cuts, or Feathered cuts- these cute short haircuts are never out of style! These are the easiest to maintain and carry around. Below, we have discussed 7 hair colors that best suit short hair:
Also Read : What Are The Ideal Hair Colors For Short Hair ?
1. Lavender Pixie
This cute yet stylish lavender pixie will give you the perfect dainty vibe you’re looking for!
2. Rainbow Bangs
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These Rainbow colored bangs on cute light-colored short hair are something worth melting for!
3. Face Framing Blonde
Source: @tamie_lawson
Dark brown hair with blonde streaks framing the face- absolutely gorgeous.
4. Taupe French Bob
Source: (12) Pinterest
This taupe-colored French Bob is a stunningly chic choice for people with short hair!
5. Rich Auburn
Stylishly confident, this rich auburn hair color is beyond admirable!
6. Platinum Women Bob
Source: (12) Pinterest
Style your cute bob with this charming buttery platinum color.
7. Ultra Violet Pixie
Want to do something new with your pixies? Try this Ultraviolet hue! A perfect blend of hot pink and purple- effortlessly gorgeous!
The first and foremost step before choosing a different color for your hair is to find out your natural hair color or your undertone. This is especially important so that the hair color you choose doesn’t go against your skin tone. After that you pick between temporary hair colors, permanent hair colors, semi-permanent hair colors and more, according to your hair coloring dreams. And one last thing, remember to have a hell lot of fun!
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