20 Useful Natural Tips and Remedies to Stop Hair Fall

20 Useful Natural Tips and Remedies to Stop Hair Fall

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Causes Of Hair Fall

Causes Of Hair Fall

1. Stress

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that stress is, in fact, the leading cause of hair fall in both men and women. The stress can be both mental (workplace issues, family problems, social issues) or physical (recent accident, major injury, surgery). The hair has a natural life cycle- growth, stability and fall. Once we’re exposed to any stress, it’s possible for the body to push more hair into the ‘fall’ phase. Only after the body recovers from the stress can we expect the hair to grow well. Although mental stress, if chronic, can lead to bigger health issues and hence must be dealt with importantly.

Also Read : Stress-Induced Hair Loss? Here's What You Need To Do!

2. Genetics

Genetics play a major role in hair growth and retention. Some people have thick hair at 60, while some people see a receding hairline before 25. Hair loss due to the genetic condition called androgenic alopecia is very common. In women, hair starts thinning out after a certain age, and in men, it is seen as a receding hairline near the temples.

3. Dietary Insufficiency

What’s inside shows outside. It is very important to maintain a good diet so that the body gets all the essential nutrients. Protein and iron deficiency is very common and leads to hair fall. Our hair is made of keratin, which is a special kind of protein. So lack of protein in the diet can lead to lesser keratin production meaning lesser hair growth. Iron deficiency or anaemia causes hair follicles to be devoid of oxygen, making hair brittle and dry. Deficiency of folic acid, vitamin E and vitamin B6 also leads to excessive hair fall.

4. Chemical Treatments

Chemical treatments offered in salons are harmful to the hair if done in excess. Straightening, curling, or even dying or bleaching the hair affects the hair quality. Even simply blow-drying your hair a lot can contribute to hair loss.

5. Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism refers to under-activity of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for breaking down and absorption of iron in the body. It is thus responsible for metabolism and hair growth.

20 Home Remedies For Hair Fall Problem

1. Massaging With Hair Oil



Take any hair oil- coconut oil, castor oil, amla oil, emu oil, argan oil, wheat-germ oil etc. You can additionally mix rosemary essential oil or lavender oil for extra effect.

How To Use

  1. Massage the oil with your fingertips properly on your scalp.
  2. Apply little pressure and take time in covering the entire scalp and hair.
  3. You could spoil yourself with a hot oil massage which is very beneficial.


You should do this at least once a week for best results.


    Improves blood circulation in the to the hair follicles, enriches the roots of the hair and relieves stress.


      Don’t overdo this, as oily scalp attracts dirt and pollutants.

        2. Egg Mask



          How To Use

          1. Crack open 2 eggs and separate the yolk and egg whites.
          2. Use the egg white directly on the head.
          3. Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse with cold water.
          4. Follow it up with a mild shampoo.


          Twice a week.


            The egg is rich in many nutrients like sulphur, phosphorus and protein, which are vital to hair growth. Hair looks shinier instantly.


              Make sure you’re not allergic to eggs. Also, never use hot water to rinse the egg off. It might cook the egg and make it difficult to wash off.

                3. Indian Gooseberry Or Amla



                • Amla (India Gooseberry)
                • Lemon juice
                • How to use
                • Mix one tablespoon each of lemon juice and Amla pulp.
                • Massage it on the scalp and leave overnight.
                • Wash away the next morning.


                Twice a week.


                  Amla is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which stimulates hair growth and prevents split ends and breakage.

                    4. Henna


                    • Dry henna powder
                    • Curd

                    How To Use

                    Mix the curd and henna powder and apply it as a hair mask. Leave it on for an hour then wash off.


                    Once a week.


                    Henna has deep conditioning properties that are very beneficial for hair. It also covers greys, fights dandruff, and leaves hair more moisturized.


                    Henna has well-known dyeing properties, so unless you want your hair turning red, you might want to avoid too frequent a use.

                    5. Garlic



                    • Garlic 7-8 Cloves
                    • Olive oil
                    • How to use
                    • Boil crushed cloves of garlic and mixed with olive oil.
                    • Apply on the scalp.


                    Thrice a week.


                    Garlic contains high amounts of compound allicin which helps control hair loss. It also contains selenium and vitamin E, which improve overall hair quality.


                    Some people might find the scent disturbing.

                    6. Potatoes


                    • Raw Potato Juice
                    • Honey
                    • Egg yolk
                    • Water

                    How To Use

                    1. Take 1.5 cups of potato juice and add one teaspoon of honey, one egg yolk and a little water.
                    2. Apply this mixture to damp hair and leave on for 30 minutes.
                    3. Rinse off with a mild shampoo.


                    Once a week.


                    Potatoes are rich in vitamins A, B and C, iron, phosphorus and calcium. They, therefore, prevent hair fall and dryness. The egg has conditioning properties.

                    7. Fish Oil



                    Fish oil from herring, mackerel, albacore tuna, salmon, sardines, or lake trout

                    How To Use

                    Include this as a part of your meals. If not so, you can also use capsules and other supplements available in the market.


                    Include fish oil in your diet at least twice a week. Capsules should be taken as per the dosage prescribed by a doctor.


                    Fish oil contains a special type of Omega-3 fatty acid which makes hair soft, thick, dandruff-free and strong.


                    Possible allergies.

                    8. Onion Juice



                    How To Use

                    1. Grate an onion and strain it to obtain the juice.
                    2. Apply it on the scalp and let dry for 30 minutes.
                    3. Wash it off with cold water and then use a mild shampoo.


                    Twice or thrice a week.


                    Onions are rich in sulphur and promote hair growth. The anti-bacterial properties of onion also help to rid the scalp of infections and fungus.

                    9. Apple Cider Vinegar



                    • Apple cider vinegar
                    • water

                    How To Use

                    1. Mix 2 teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar with 1 cup of water.
                    2. After shampooing and conditioning, pour this mixture on your hair and let it seep in for a while.
                    3. Now wash this off with plain cold water.


                    Twice or thrice a week.


                    Apple Cider Vinegar helps manage the pH level of the hair which is disturbed due to chemical products. It also contains essential nutrients like vitamins B, C and potassium which make hair soft and bouncy.

                    10. Black Cumin Oil


                    • Black cumin oil
                    • olive oil

                    How To Use

                    1. Mix the two oils in equal quantities and apply to the hair.
                    2. Leave it overnight and wash it off in the morning.


                    Twice a week.


                    Black cumin contains 100 vitamins and minerals and especially helps to promote hair growth and gives the hair a healthy shine.

                    11. Fenugreek



                    Fenugreek seeds

                    How To Use

                    1. Soak a cup of fenugreek seeds in water overnight.
                    2. The next day, grind the seeds into a paste.
                    3. Apply this paste on your head for 30-40 minutes and then rinse off with cold water.


                    For visible improvement in hair quality, use every day for a month.


                    Fenugreek or Methi contains hormone antecedents which help in hair growth and rebuilding lost hair follicles.

                    12. Argan Oil


                    Argan oil

                    How To Use

                    1. Just put some oil on your fingertips and massage on your scalp starting from the hairline and working your way back and to sides.
                    2. Massage for 15 minutes to let the oil seep in.


                    Thrice a week.


                    Loaded with vitamins A, C and E, omega-6 fatty acids, linoleic acid and antioxidants, it promotes rapid cell growth on the scalp, thus helping in increasing hair follicles.

                    Also Read : The Ultimate Guide on Argan Oil for Hair - Benefits and How to Use

                    Incase, you are looking for a good quality Argan Oil  you can check out Moroccan Argan Oil from Anveya. This Vitamin E rich antioxidant-packed oil combats premature ageing. The combination of Vitamin E and fatty acids fights hair damage and helps restore bounce, shine and volume to your locks.


                    Moroccan Argan Oil
                    • Great for CURLY HAIR & FRIZZY OR DRY HAIR.
                    • Regulates sebum and controls ACNE BREAKOUTS.
                    • Vitamin E & anti-oxidant rich – combats the SIGNS OF AGEING.
                    • Hydrates NAILS & LIPS

                    View Product ▸

                    13. Aloe Vera

                    Aloe Vera Gel


                    Aloe Vera Juice or Gel (both work)

                    How To Use

                    Apply the gel or juice on your scalp and leave on for a few hours.


                    3-4 times a week.


                    Aloe Vera provides shine to the hair and maintains hair’s pH level. It also works miraculously on dandruff and scalp itching.

                    14. Liquorice Root


                    • Liquorice root,
                    • milk
                    • saffron

                    How To Use

                    1. In one cup of milk, add 1 tablespoon ground Liquorice root and a quarter teaspoon saffron.
                    2. Apply this on your hair and especially on bald patches and leave overnight.
                    3. Wash away the next day.


                    Once or twice a week.


                    Liquorice root fights dandruff, dry flakes and prevents itching. It also promotes hair growth. You can also ingest Liquorice root in the form of tea, thrice a day.

                    15. Lemon Juice



                    • Lemon juice
                    • coconut oil

                    How To Use

                    1. Mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with 2 teaspoons of coconut or olive oil and apply on the scalp.
                    2. Leave it for an hour and wash off with your regular shampoo.


                    Once a week.


                    Power-packed with vitamins B, C, folic acid antioxidants, lemon juice increases circulation on the scalp and fights dandruff.


                    Do not keep lemon juice on your hair for a very long time since it has bleaching properties.

                    16. Banana Mask


                    • Ripe banana
                    • Avocado (optional)
                    • Coconut milk

                    How To Use

                    1. Blend the ingredients in a mixer.
                    2. Make a thick paste.
                    3. Apply this paste on your hair and let sit for 15-20 minutes.
                    4. Wash it off with cold water.


                    Once a week.


                    Banana is rich in potassium and natural oils that help prevent breakage and split ends. It also gives hair a glossy shine and softness.


                    Avoid if you’re allergic to potassium.

                    17. Beetroot



                    Beetroot leaves or juice, and henna

                    How To Use

                    1. For best results, one should include beetroot in their diet.
                    2. Alternatively, grind boiled beetroot leaves and mix with henna to form a paste.
                    3. Apply this on your hair and let dry for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with cold water.


                    As many times as possible.


                    Rich in phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and vitamins B and C, beetroot juice is very good for hair growth.


                    Both beetroot and henna have dyeing properties. Therefore, one must be careful not to let them stay on the head for too long.

                    18. Coconut Milk


                    Coconut milk

                    How To Use

                    1. If coconut milk isn’t readily available, you can make it at home by boiling grated coconut in a pan of water.
                    2. After it cools down, apply the coconut milk on your scalp and hair and let it sit for about 20 minutes.
                    3. Wash off with your regular shampoo.


                    Once or twice a week.


                    It is rich in proteins and fatty acids that promote hair growth. It also shows immediate results.

                    19. Flax Seeds



                    Flax seeds

                    How To Use

                    1. Consume 1 tablespoon of freshly ground flax seeds with water every morning.
                    2. You can also make it a part of your everyday diet.
                    3. Flaxseed oil can also be used.


                    Seeds with water should be consumed daily.


                    Being rich in omega 3 fatty acids, it can greatly strengthen your hair and promote growth.

                    20. China Rose Or Hibiscus


                    • Hibiscus
                    • Coconut Oil

                    How To Use

                    1. Mix 10 hibiscus flowers in 2 cups coconut oil until charred.
                    2. Strain it and collect the oil.
                    3. Apply it on your hair and let stay overnight.
                    4. Wash away with shampoo the next day.


                    Twice or thrice a week.


                    Hibiscus helps repair split ends, dry hair and prevents premature greying.

                    Haircare Tips


                    1. Watch What You Eat

                    This point can be emphasized a thousand times and will always be a vital aspect of hair care. Hair is built of protein, so it is important to have enough protein in one’s diet (using foods like eggs, meat, milk). Fatty acids are also essential; hence fish or fish oil should be an addition to your diet.

                    Also Read : Top 20 Healthy Food For Natural Hair Growth

                    2. Don't Hesitate To See Your Doctor When Required

                    It is always advisable to go for home remedies to cure hair problems, but if the problem persists, one must approach a dermatologist. You might not be doing something right or misjudging the cause of hair fall. Whatever the problem may be, professional guidance can greatly help.

                    3. Choose Your Shampoo And Conditioner Wisely

                    The shampoo you use can greatly impact the overall health of your hair. The products which provide instant gratification aren't always the best in the long run. Also, the suitability of shampoo or conditioner differs individually, so what works for your friend might not work for you. Do your research. Choose wisely.

                    4. Avoid Bad Habits

                    Smoking is injurious to health, and not just yours but others’ as well. It reduces the circulation of blood which ultimately affects hair growth. Drinking alcohol is also not good for your hair. One must avoid these at all costs for the overall wellbeing of the body, if not just for hair.

                    5. Hydration

                    Don't keep yourself dehydrated. 8 glasses of water a day should be consumed. Hydration is essential to tissue growth and regeneration, and even the hair shaft is largely water.

                    6. Internal Peace

                    As we’ve already discussed, stress is a major trigger for hair loss. So, if you can bring peace to your body and mind, it will greatly improve your hair as well. Meditate, do yoga, go for a spa session, anything that relieves your mind from stress.

                    7. Exercising

                    Daily exercise for 30-40 minutes can help. Sweating unclogs the pores on your scalp, thus helping in growing new hair.

                    8. Antioxidants

                    Antioxidants help the body internally by flushing our toxins, and it can also greatly help the hair. Take 2 bags of green tea brewed in water and applied them to your scalp. Let this sit for an hour and then rinse off. What’s best is that nothing gets wasted; you can consume the water because it is essentially green tea.

                    9. Be Gentle on Your Hair

                    Brushing your hair is essential, but you should always be careful to neither overdo it nor do it harshly. Be gentle, take your time to untangle your hair. Also, using anything hot like a hairdryer or straightener should be regulated.

                    10. Trim Your Hair Regularly

                    Trimming the hair is necessary because split ends inhibit hair growth. Trim your hair a little once every 2 or 3 months.




                    Disclaimer: All the content on anveya.com/blogs is solely for information. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or a qualified health care provider. The information, suggestion or remedies mentioned on this site are provided without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied.

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